has replaced Project Open Data.

On January 14, 2019, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act ("Evidence Act"), which includes the OPEN Government Data Act, was signed into law. The Evidence Act requires the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Government Information Services, and the General Services Administration to develop and maintain an online repository ( of tools, best practices, and schema standards to facilitate the adoption of open data practices across the Federal Government.

Archived content of Project Open Data can be accessed at its GitHub repository. You can report missing content or provide any additional feedback via GitHub or by emailing

Join the Interagency Open Data Working Group

Sign up for the Open Data Listserv

Anyone with a .gov or .mil email address can join by emailing, the message should have no subject and the body should say “subscribe open-data”.

Subscribe to the public mailing list:!topic/opengovtech/dnyjc6-v41Q

Attend Biweekly Implementation Support Meetings

Biweekly Implementation support meetings are held every Tuesday at GSA for Federal employees and contractors. To receive the most recent meeting information, join the OPEN-DATA listserv managed by GSA.

U.S. Government Open Data meetings are open to the public on a quarterly basis. To receive invitations and join the community, subscribe to the public mailing list.

Open Data –

Responsibly unleash the power of data for the benefit of the American public and maximize the Nation’s return on its investment in data. Data is an asset to be leveraged and strengthen our democracy, promote government efficiencies, and improve citizens’ quality of life when it is made available, discoverable, and usable to the public – in a word, “open”.

